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C o n t a c t  O u r  B a k e r y 

Email :  

Phone/text message or whatsapp: 5125939750 

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We want to hear from you

A d d r e s s  &  H o u r s

2328 Lookout Range Dr,

Leander, TX 78641  

Open hours:

Tuesday - Friday  8 am - 6 pm

Saturday -  8 am - 12 pm

Sunday & Monday - Closed

Dear customers, Ki'bok is temporarily closed until further notice. Reopening announcement will be sent via our social media, email and here in our website. We appreciate all your support and thank you for your preference.

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We are a small business and we are starting at home. We have followed all the requirements of the Cottage Law of Texas to bring you the best service. 

Certificate of Texas Food Manager: TX-195432

Certificate of Food Handler: TXFC-1957524.

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